6 April 2018

It's been a while...

Hi guysssss it has literally been forEVER. I think its been more than two years which is way too long. My style has changed, my sewing skills and technique has changed, even my hair has changed. That being said I'm still me, I love Jesus and his word. In fact I can say with confidence my faith has grown immensely which is honestly the greatest thing. If I was to write a blog post on all that has happened in my life since I last blogged it would be endless and badly spelled, however I will name a few notable achievements.

I have completed one year of university and am currently in my second year, I moved cities, I have taken up two roles in my home church and most importantly I have grown (not physically I'm still 5,4). I can say emotionally, financially and mentally I have matured while still remaining open minded and dedicated to King Jesus.

I remember when I first started this blog all I wanted was to catalogue the clothes I had made as well as making tutorials so you guys can make your own stuff. I them moved on to selling my designs which went really well and I had some great customers, I would do it again in a heartbeat. Now looking back the main aim was to inspire. I wanted to inspire other Apostolic girls to be adventurous with their style while still honouring Jesus as well as themselves. I wanted girls to look at my tutorials and change the way they shopped because we all know it is a struggle as an Apostolic! Since I've been gone I have been through a LOT but it has always been my aim to inspire girls like me, girls who love God and love expressing themselves through fashion. I have always had a passion to encourage Apostolic girls not to compromise their holiness standard because they aren't surrounded by women who look like them.

Trust me, I have been there and I know what its like, I was one of two Apostolic girls in my school and I was known for having the longest skirt and ALWAYS wearing a skirt. In ways it's different now, social media has allowed us to share and inspire each other in ways that can truly make a difference and I am all for it!

So I guess I'm back, it's going to be different. My life is pretty crazy now and my style is changed but hopefully you'll see some outfits you like and if you don't well.....sorry.


  1. Yay!!! I can’t wait! I'm so happy you are back. You are such an inspiration girlie! Love this and love you! :)

    1. Thank so so much you for all of your support Liz. It means the world to know I am able to inspire someone with such and amazing blog/company. Keep doing you girl!
